Friday, January 8, 2010

Getting settled

We are all moved into our new home. It was a little hectic with the holidays but we survived. Lily is having a hard time adjusting, she keeps saying "home" and pointing to the front door, if we are anywhere but home that means she wants to go home. I feel bad and I am hoping she will adjust soon. James and I are still unpacking here and there, we focused on getting Lily's room together first, i though maybe if she see's all of her things she may feel more at home. We got her bed set up last night and her toys put away. She didn't sleep in her bed she crawled into our bed, which I am fine with for the time being. I thought about having a slumber party in her room, just her and I and stay up and watch movies. Even Sprocket (our dog) was scared at first, but now he has adjusted and loves it, as long as he has a bed and blanket he can basically call home anywhere! As things fall into place and we finish up unpacking I will post some pictures. It may be a while as this seems to be a s-l-o-w going process ;)

Happy New Year!

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