Thursday, January 22, 2009

Looking back

Today it just hit me! Lily will be 9 months! Where has the time gone?! I can't believe my little girl is just 3 months shy of being 1 yr! I was looking back at her new born pics, and it seems like yesterday I was in the hospital. Here are some pics of her first day/week of life =)

She is so cute and small! Now she is a back breaking 25lbs. Altough she is only 9 months, I am amazed on how much she has learned. The only thing she has not learned yet is sleeping threw the night. I dont think she will learn that anytime soon. She is a slow learner when it comes to sleeping =)

Well I think it's time to make dinner, TTFN!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baby Legs

Lately I have been into a new brand of clothing for Lily, it's called Baby Legs I have 3 pairs for her and she looks so cute in them! She has such chub chub legs that they kind of start to roll off her leg after a while of crawling around. Here are some pics with them on, Sprocket likes them too =)


Friday, January 16, 2009

Lily's Photo Shoot

Well, it's January now and a lot has happened! We did get the place :) and have lived here for 3 months now. Lily is now crawling, and has 3 teeth! Today my mom taught her how to wave hi and bye bye, so cute! she is also starting to clap. The other day James and I got her pictures that were taken at Sears , we just got them back today, they came out great!

This one is one of my favorites, when the photographer gave her the flowers, she wouldn't look up at the camera anymore :)

It's so crazy how fast time has gone by. She will be 9 months old on the 25th, I can't wait to see how much she learns this month! I will post a few more pictures from her 'photo shoot' and off to bed I go, I will try and update a little more then every 3 months!