Sunday, February 1, 2009

The perfect bathtub

So I have been bathing Lily in the bath tub, trying to hold onto her and suds her up at the same time, My back would start to kill me and she would start crying. bath time was not fun. One day I was putting the dishes in the dishwasher and it occurred to me, the sink! I can bathe Lily in the sink, duh! Why didn't I think of that before?? I think everyone has a photo of them getting a bath in the sink! I felt like a dork, but ever since I thought of it Lily has been enjoying her baths until her toes turns to prunes. I love it! Here are some pics of her.


sherriknits said...

I can't believe she's 9 months either! She's so cute and I'm so excited to get to follow her now!

Heidi said...

WAY TOO CUTE! I should try this too!